Linux-Explorer - Live Forensics Toolbox

Issue: (Exception: error: YARA not installed solution)

Hello guys, The other day I was testing some DFIR tools and I came across this linux live forensic tool called linux-explorer. The reason why I am writing this tutorial is due to the lack of documentation or tutorial out on the internet that helps people with common issues that you might encounter during installation. I spend quite some time trying to find a solution for an issue I encountered and I want to show you guys how I solved it and hopefully this might save you some time.

Linux Explorer is an Easy-to-use live forensics toolbox for Linux endpoints written in Python & Flask.

The link to the Github repo :

This tool can be used to get information from linux such as :

process list, Inspect process memory map & fetch memory strings easly, Dump process memory in one click, Automatically search hash in public services, users list etc.

Other capabilities include: Scan a file or directory using YARA signatures by @Neo23x0, Scan a running process memory address space, Upload your own YARA signature.


git clone

This will clone the repository to your local machine.

Before any installation make sure to install

1) YARA 2) Chkrootkit

On an ubuntu machine you can install these by:

sudo apt install yara
sudo apt install chkrootkit

Now cd into the repo

cd linux-explorer/

The repository have a requirement.txt file that specify all python modules needed for this to work, so go ahead and install that by:

pip install -r requirement.txt

now start the script by


This script is intended to deploy the for you.

So, this is where I encountered an error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 21, in
toolbox = dict({'yara': tools.YARA(),
File "/home/linux_expl0rer/", line 16, in __init__
raise Exception('error: %s not installed' % self.__class__.__name__)
Exception: error: YARA not installed

Intresting, I installed YARA but I still got the error. I tried searching to find a solution for this error but eventually after snooping through all clutters I gave and decide to read the source code.

class YARA(Tool):
  def _is_installed(self):
    return os.path.isfile('/usr/bin/yara')
  def set_cmdline(self, rule_file, dir='/', recursive=True, pid=None):
    if pid:
          self._proc_cmdline = ['/usr/bin/yara', rule_file, pid]
        self._proc_cmdline = ['/usr/bin/yara'] + ['-r',rule_file, dir] if recursive els

so this code is looking for yara at the predefined location /usr/bin/yara.

Lets see where our yara is installed:

find / -name yara 2> /dev/null

In the result I noticed that yara is installed in:


Okay !! so now we just have to edit the code to point the correct location in our OS.

Now the source code will look as follow :

class YARA(Tool):
  def _is_installed(self):
    return os.path.isfile('/usr/local/bin/yara')
  def set_cmdline(self, rule_file, dir='/', recursive=True, pid=None):
    if pid:
          self._proc_cmdline = ['/usr/local/bin/yara', rule_file, pid]
        self._proc_cmdline = ['/usr/local/bin/yara'] + ['-r',rule_file, dir] if recursive els

Now start the script again and it should work and you can navigate to the browser view by:

start firefox
Written on June 17, 2020